Understanding Anger in 3 steps

For us to manage anger, we need to understand where it comes from.

#1. Anger is almost NEVER the primary emotional response.

Anger is so common because society has told us it is the only acceptable emotion, that all other emotions are weak. Continue reading Understanding Anger in 3 steps

TWO (completely FREE) life changing tips for managing stress

Stress, in the literal definition, means a pressure, tension or strain placed on an object.  Bending metal, pulling chain or rope, puts physical stress on the material.  Under excessive stress, these materials will break.


Humans are the same, but our pressure, tension and strain are not usually physical.  They can be – under situations of extreme exercise or threat of physical harm, but otherwise most of human stress in North America is psychological.  These pressures and strains are our daily obligations and expectations that we face in personal, professional and family interactions. Continue reading TWO (completely FREE) life changing tips for managing stress

Bill Gates’ “11 Things Kids Won’t Learn in School” is actually “11 Things that Contribute to Mental Illness” (and it wasn’t written by Bill Gates)

(image from: http://www.shannonsusko.com/blog/2015/05/05/food-for-thought-by-bill-gates)

Bill Gates did not write these rules, he did not give a high school speech with these rules, and in fact he is a much nicer and positive person.  The original author was Charles J. Sykes: “50 Rules Kids Won’t Learn in School: Real-World Antidotes to Feel-Good Education.”

I want to go through each one, and explain why I feel this mindset contributes to young people (and even older people) feeling horrible about themselves.

Continue reading Bill Gates’ “11 Things Kids Won’t Learn in School” is actually “11 Things that Contribute to Mental Illness” (and it wasn’t written by Bill Gates)

Why I Won’t Have Any New Year Resolutions for 2018 (or any other year)

New year. New you.  For many people, it seems like a great time to start fresh.  We can finally start to eat healthier, start an exercise regime, maybe set some money aside in a separate bank account every week (which I actually tried last year, and made it an entire 7 weeks).

Not because I failed at last year’s resolution to save money (but I totally did), there are a NUMBER of reasons I will not be making any new year’s resolutions moving forward in my life. Continue reading Why I Won’t Have Any New Year Resolutions for 2018 (or any other year)

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, or a Sheep in a Wolf Mask? (Emotional Avoidance)

We call them wolves, tigers, or sharks. Bears, eagles and lions symbolize their strength. These are the relentless humans who will stop at nothing to achieve.  They may be loud, seemingly unemotional and intimidating.  Society rewards them with terms such as successful and powerful, and showers them with money.  Other people want to either BECOME them, be WITH them, or even just be AROUND them. Continue reading A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, or a Sheep in a Wolf Mask? (Emotional Avoidance)