Understanding Anger in 3 steps

For us to manage anger, we need to understand where it comes from.

#1. Anger is almost NEVER the primary emotional response.

Anger is so common because society has told us it is the only acceptable emotion, that all other emotions are weak. Continue reading Understanding Anger in 3 steps

The Pursuit of Happiness (according to Japanese folklore)

Every once in a while we come across stories that can be life changing.  While reading the book “The Tao of Pooh” by Benjamin Hoff, I was introduced to just such a tale. Continue reading The Pursuit of Happiness (according to Japanese folklore)

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, or a Sheep in a Wolf Mask? (Emotional Avoidance)

We call them wolves, tigers, or sharks. Bears, eagles and lions symbolize their strength. These are the relentless humans who will stop at nothing to achieve.  They may be loud, seemingly unemotional and intimidating.  Society rewards them with terms such as successful and powerful, and showers them with money.  Other people want to either BECOME them, be WITH them, or even just be AROUND them. Continue reading A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, or a Sheep in a Wolf Mask? (Emotional Avoidance)