Understanding Anger in 3 steps

For us to manage anger, we need to understand where it comes from.

#1. Anger is almost NEVER the primary emotional response.

Anger is so common because society has told us it is the only acceptable emotion, that all other emotions are weak. Continue reading Understanding Anger in 3 steps

When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 3 of 3)

In the first blog of this series, I wrote about what compassion fatigue is and the factors that make caring industries at risk for compassion fatigue.  You can read that blog here: https://auraecoaching.ca/2017/11/13/when-compassion-casts-a-shadow-the-dark-side-of-caring-blog-1-of-3/

In the second blog of this series, I discussed how compassion fatigue can progress into abuse and cruelty, as well as briefly defined the difference between the two. You can read that blog here: https://auraecoaching.ca/2017/11/18/when-compassion-casts-a-shadow-the-dark-side-of-caring-blog-2-of-3/

This, the third and final blog of this series is about how my own personal and professional experiences helped erode my compassion to the point where I was capable of abuse and cruelty. Continue reading When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 3 of 3)

When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 2 of 3)

In the first blog of this series, I defined compassion fatigue and the factors that make caring industries at risk for compassion fatigue.   You can read that blog here: https://auraecoaching.ca/2017/11/13/when-compassion-casts-a-shadow-the-dark-side-of-caring-blog-1-of-3/

This blog is going to briefly discuss how compassion fatigue can progress into abusive and cruel behaviour, as well as define the difference between the two. Continue reading When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 2 of 3)

When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 1 of 3)

When people hear about abuse or cruelty in a workplace that cares for others, they are absolutely horrified. How does this happen? How do these people even get hired to work in a profession where they are expected to care for others? What makes someone so deranged? Then if you read the replies and comments, there is the barrage of emotionally charged threats and death wishes directed towards the perpetrators. Continue reading When Compassion Casts a Shadow – The Dark Side of Caring (blog 1 of 3)